How to use Trap Location Cards

Spending a little time putting out the Trap Location Cards before setting up your A24 will greatly increase your trapping success.

  1. Tear the card from the holder
  2. Place any lure you like near the hole in the centre
  3. Fold over the location cards to expose some fresh lure
  4. Tape/screw/nail the card into a spot where you think the rats might interact with it. When you put out your Trap Location Cards, you can also set up your trap in a location that you think is best. Remember, you can always shift it once you see some interaction on your Trap Location Cards. This is especially easy if your trap is on a trap stand. If not then take a look at this article before moving your trap.
  5. Leave the location cards for three nights and monitor for signs of interaction. You should see clear signs of the pest's teeth on the cards. You can put your trap out straight away though, simply move your trap near the card you see the most interaction. Don’t worry if there are no bite marks on your cards after three nights, just take a look at this article for your next steps to take.

If you don’t have success with your first location, you can move it anytime! Moving the trap around will help you rid pests from different areas, and introduce fresh paste to pests within your property. 

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