How safe is the Goodnature Mouse Trap?

The Goodnature Mouse Trap (GMT) is safe for humans as well as pets! It is very difficult for anything larger than a mouse to get all the way into the trap where the striker is and set it off when the GMT is set up and active. Even if a finger were to make its way to the striker and caused it to fire, the trap doesn’t have enough force to cause permanent injury in most adults (it will hurt though!). When the trap is open, by twisting each half apart, it will enter Safe Mode (as indicated by the solid white light) and no matter what is put under the striker, the GMT won’t fire. It also enters this mode when charging.

The lure Donut is also safe as it is non-toxic and contains no poison as the kill mechanism is the striker. While the lure Donut won’t have any adverse affects if eaten, we don’t recommend ingesting it as it isn’t food safe. Additionally, it is recommended to keep it out of reach of children as it can be a choking hazard.

While there is minimal risk, we do recommend setting the trap up somewhere children and pets can’t access just to be safe!

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